353 research outputs found


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    Global and local detection of liver steatosis from ultrasound

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    Liver steatosis is a common disease usually associated with social and genetic factors. Early detection and quantification is important since it can evolve to cirrhosis. Steatosis is usually a diffuse liver disease, since it is globally affected. However, steatosis can also be focal affecting only some foci difficult to discriminate. In both cases, steatosis is detected by laboratorial analysis and visual inspection of ultrasound images of the hepatic parenchyma. Liver biopsy is the most accurate diagnostic method but its invasive nature suggest the use of other non-invasive methods, while visual inspection of the ultrasound images is subjective and prone to error. In this paper a new Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system for steatosis classification and analysis is presented, where the Bayes Factor, obatined from objective intensity and textural features extracted from US images of the liver, is computed in a local or global basis. The main goal is to provide the physician with an application to make it faster and accurate the diagnosis and quantification of steatosis, namely in a screening approach. The results showed an overall accuracy of 93.54% with a sensibility of 95.83% and 85.71% for normal and steatosis class, respectively. The proposed CAD system seemed suitable as a graphical display for steatosis classification and comparison with some of the most recent works in the literature is also presented

    An ultrasound based computer-aided diagnosis tool for steatosis detection

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    Liver steatosis is a common disease usually associated with social and genetic factors. Early detection and quantification is important since it can evolve to cirrhosis. In this paper, a new computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system for steatosis classification, in a local and global basis, is presented. Bayes factor is computed from objective ultrasound textural features extracted from the liver parenchyma. The goal is to develop a CAD screening tool, to help in the steatosis detection. Results showed an accuracy of 93.33%, with a sensitivity of 94.59% and specificity of 92.11%, using the Bayes classifier. The proposed CAD system is a suitable graphical display for steatosis classification

    The role of stereotypical information on medical judgements for black and white patients

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    The new generation of direct-acting antivirals has improved dramatically the rates of cure for chronic hepatitis C. Yet, evidence shows that racial groups are deemed more often ineligible for hepatitis C treatment, despite no clinical evidence supporting differential treatment for Black and White patients. One possible explanation has to do with providers’ racial biases. This investigation sought to explore medical students’ racial stereotypes (Study 1, N = 171) and the role of stereotypical cues on perceptions of medical adherence of Black and White patients (Study 2, N = 208). In Study 1, we first sought to identify health-related aspects that are consistently associated with Blacks as part of a stereotype. In Study 2, we experimentally manipulated racial stereotypes identified in Study 1 by asking participants to read a clinical vignette depicting a patient (Black vs. White) and their medical history (cause of exposure to hepatitis C: unprotected sex vs. non-injectable drugs use). The results show that the impact of stereotypicality on patient perceived compliance varies as a function of medical students’ racial prejudice. Implications for further applied health inequalities research and for medical training are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    We Are All 3868

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    Estudo numérico do efeito dos principais parâmetros de fundição na formação de rechupes em peças fundidas

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    Um dos principais objetivos deste trabalho consistiu em estudar a potencialidade dos programas numéricos SOLIDCast e FLOWCast na previsão de defeitos de fabrico do processo de fundição. Para cumprir tal objetivo, foram executadas simulações com diferentes parâmetros e formulações de fundição. Para cada um deles fez-se a análise do processo de solidificação e de enchimento, com o intuito de avaliar o seu comportamento e possibilidade de aparecimento de defeitos. Na sequência do trabalho foi realizado um caso de estudo real, em que se pretendia determinar e corrigir as causas da ocorrência de um defeito de fabrico do tipo macrorechupe, que aparecia de forma aleatória numa peça fabricada na FAL. Nesse sentido, realizou-se uma primeira simulação, com os referidos programas numéricos, utilizando os parâmetros e formulação iniciais, correspondentes aos usados no fabrico do produto. Nesta primeira simulação verificou-se que uma possível causa para o aparecimento do rechupe seria a temperatura de vazamento das últimas ser muito baixa. Com o objetivo, de confirmar esse efeito realizaram-se várias simulações com diferentes parâmetros e formulações, tendo sido quantificado qual a importância de cada um deles para o aparecimento deste tipo de defeitos. No final do trabalho são sugeridas algumas propostas para evitar ou minimizar o aparecimento do defeito ocorrido no caso de estudo. As propostas sugeridas foram previamente simuladas e verificada a sua eficiência na diminuição da formação de rechupes.One of the most important goals of this work was to study the capability of the SOLIDCast FlowCast software to predict manufacturing defects of the casting process. To fulfil this aim, were performed simulations with different casting parameters and formulations. For each casting parameter and formulation was made an analysis of solidification and filling processes in order to evaluate their behaviour and potential defects manifestation. In the sequence of the work, was done a real case study, in which it was intended to determine and correct the causes of the occurrence of the manufacturing defect denominated macro shrinkage which have appeared randomly in some pieces manufactured in FAL. Accordingly, we carried out a first simulation, with the referred software using the initial parameters that correspond to the formulation used in the manufacture of the product. In this first simulation it was found that a possible cause for the appearance of shrinkage is due to the low temperature of the last patterns. With the aim of confirming this effect were implemented several simulations with different parameters and formulations, which have been quantified the importance of each to the appearance of such defects. At the end of the work are suggested and some proposals to avoid or minimize the appearance of the defect occurred in the case study. The proposals have been suggested previously simulated and verified its efficiency in reducing the formation of shrinkage

    A evolução do setor em Portugal e a dinâmica empresarial no segmento da reabilitação

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    O setor da construção nos últimos anos, em particular entre os anos de 2010 e 2013, tem sofrido uma completa alteração da sua atividade em Portugal, tem-se vindo a assistir a uma profunda crise de caracter estrutural. Assim, constata-se, uma diminuição vertiginosa da oferta de obras que, conjugada com uma quantidade elevada de empresas no setor conduziu a que, principalmente nos dois últimos anos, um número muito significativo de empresas esteja a desaparecer do setor. Verifica-se um progressivo ajustamento da procura à oferta, quer em quantidade, quer em qualidade. Nos dias de hoje, chegamos a uma situação em que “tudo está construído”, quer ao nível do investimento público, quer do privado, o que nos leva a ter que repensar o setor da construção no País. Daqui resultando, que a continuidade do setor em Portugal, que foi durante as últimas três décadas o motor da economia nacional, implica ter de modificar o seu paradigma. Este setor tem de alterar o seu modelo, a sua dinâmica, não voltando a assumir, nas próximas décadas, o destaque que teve para o desenvolvimento do País. O segmento da reabilitação será o foco essencial do setor da construção no futuro, em detrimento de novas edificações. Assim sendo, a dinâmica de organização empresarial irá pautar-se por um novo formato ao nível: de recursos humanos, de utilização de materiais, de enquadramento legal, da dinâmica comercial e financeira. Este estudo incluirá, a análise das várias etapas percorridas por uma empresa na preparação e execução de uma obra de reabilitação urbanística, na área de habitação e comercio, localizada na cidade do Porto, de forma a mostrar por que fases, uma empresa do ramo, se deve guiar em obra.The construction sector in the past few years, particularly between 2010 and 2013, has undergone a complete change of its activity in Portugal; we have been witnessing an intense crisis of structural character. So, there has been a precipitous decline of offers of works, coupled with a high amount of companies in the sector has meant that, especially in the last two years, a significant number of companies in the sector is vanishing. There is a progressive adjustment of demand to supply, either in quantity or in quality. Nowadays, we are on the situation that which "everything is built", whether the public investment or private, which leads us to have to rethink the construction sector in the country. So, the permanence of this sector in Portugal, it was during the last three decades the engine of the national economy, involves that it have to change your paradigm. This sector must change its model, its dynamics, but will not coming back to take, in the coming decades, the highlight that had to the development the country. The rehabilitation segment will be the key focus of the construction sector in the future, rather than new buildings. Thus, the dynamics of business organization will be guided by a new format level: human resources, material usage, legal framework, the business and financial dynamics. The case study will include the analysis of the various steps taken by a company in preparing and executing a work of urban rehabilitation in the area of housing and commerce, located in the city of Porto, in order to show the steps, a rehabilitation company, should guide in construction works

    Chronic liver disease staging classification based on ultrasound, clinical and laboratorial data

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    In this work the identification and diagnosis of various stages of chronic liver disease is addressed. The classification results of a support vector machine, a decision tree and a k-nearest neighbor classifier are compared. Ultrasound image intensity and textural features are jointly used with clinical and laboratorial data in the staging process. The classifiers training is performed by using a population of 97 patients at six different stages of chronic liver disease and a leave-one-out cross-validation strategy. The best results are obtained using the support vector machine with a radial-basis kernel, with 73.20% of overall accuracy. The good performance of the method is a promising indicator that it can be used, in a non invasive way, to provide reliable information about the chronic liver disease staging

    Uma viagem de concretização do sonho de ser um Professor de Educação Física

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    Este relatório de estágio retrata o percurso de estágio profissional deste estudante-estagiário. O grande objetivo traçado pelo estudante-estagiário era o de se desenvolver profissionalmente rumo à capacitação para, no futuro, ser capaz de lecionar aulas de Educação Física com qualidade no presente e no futuro. Foi um ano de partilha de conhecimento que retrata a mudança de paradigma e respetiva passagem de aluno para Professor. Este Relatório de Estágio expõe as principais vivências sentidas, por mim na Escola Cooperante. Esta experiência representou um desafio enorme, mas só os desafios nos fazem crescer e só aparecem a quem é capaz de os superar. Este ano percebi qual é o verdadeiro papel Educação Física, o verdadeiro significado do Professor Educação Física, a disciplina que tem obrigações educativas relacionadas com a saúde, educação, corpo, mente, literacia física e que potencia o desenvolvimento social. Para além do meu desenvolvimento profissional, os alunos foram o meu foco, pois sem eles, hoje não seria um Professor melhor do que aquele que era no início. Promovi aprendizagem em Educação Física no desenvolvimento do movimento e ensinei a participação de uma larga variedade de atividades físicas, tais como jogos desportivos coletivos, ginástica, natação, dança e atividades ao ar livre. Tive a possibilidade de monitorizar várias atividades uma vantagem para mim que pretendo ter um futuro nesta área, pois a realização de atividades com grupos de crianças e adolescentes permite a aquisição de conhecimentos pedagógicos que me habilitam, a que, futuramente, consiga trabalhar com diversos grupos de pessoas.This final report portrays the professional development journey of a preservice teacher during his school placement. The main goal set by the preservice teacher was to develop professionally towards enabling the teaching of quality Physical Education classes in the present and in the future. It was a year of knowledge sharing. It was a paradigm shift from student to teacher. This final report the main experiences I had at the Co-operating School. This experience represented a huge challenge, but only challenges make us grow and they only appear to those who can overcome them. This year I understood the real role of Physical Education, the true meaning of the Physical Education Teacher, the subject that has educational obligations related to health, education, body, mind, physical literacy and that enhances social development. In addition to my professional development, the students were my focus, because without them, today I would not be a better Teacher than I was at the beginning. I have promoted learning in Physical Education in the development of movement and taught participation in a wide variety of physical activities such as team sports games, gymnastics, swimming, dancing and outdoor activities. I had the opportunity to monitor various activities, which is an advantage for me as I want to have a future in this area, as carrying out activities with groups of children and adolescents allows me to acquire pedagogical knowledge that enables me to work with various groups of people in the future. KEYWORDS


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    The purpose of this study was to characterize the kettlebell swing movement kinematics, and to examine the changes induced by an unstable surface. One experienced subject with a 6kg kettlebell performed 10 kettlebell swings on the floor and 10 on an unstable surface. Optoelectronic system with 6 cameras was used to obtain the 3D analysis. Four variables were selected for this pilot study: the leg-thigh and the thigh-trunk angles when the subject had the maximal knee joint flexion, the arm-trunk angle when the subject was at maximum extension of the knee joint and the duration of the trials. Significant changes induced by the unstable surface were obtained in the four variables selected. Thus, this study presents a simple, operation and low-time consuming process to evaluate the role of unstable surface for fitness exercises. Further studies should deeply examine different surfaces, to clarify its role in rehabilitation programs